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Svaki put kada donesete odluku da nešto želite – krećete u nepoznato. Samo od vas zavisi hoćete li, ili nećete preživeti u tom nepoznatom okruženju. Život jeste previše kratak da bismo vagali i razmišljali o pojedinim stvarima. Da, možda jeste (ili samo deluje) opasno, ali i život je sam po sebi takav. Realno u ovom trenutku može da vam padne plafon na glavu a da vi ništa ne možete da uradite po tom pitanju. Nadamo se da to neće da se desi 🙂
Naš put na Kipar bio je manje, više organizovan. Znali smo skoro tačno gde idemo, šta radimo… Ipak, čovek sebi mora da da malo oduška i da krene ka nečemu što nije po planu i programu, da iskoči iz mašine. I kako to uvek biva, tek onda naučiš, vidiš, doživiš ono pravo.
>>> Evo šta smo naučili dok smo osvajali dvorac Svetog Hilariona <<<
- CILJ – definišite konkretan cilj!
Krenuli smo u Dvorac Svetog Hilariona. Nismo znali kako da stignemo tamo, šta ćemo tamo da vidimo, znali smo samo da hoćemo da odemo tamo, jer smo čuli legendu da je Volt Dizni ovde našao inspiraciju za dvorac iz bajke Snežana i 7 patuljaka. Inspiracije nikad dosta, zar ne 🙂
- VREME – kada želite da dođete do cilja!
Imali smo slobodan dan, i to je bilo to. Želeli smo da vidimo ove zidine, ali smo takođe želeli i da idemo na plažu 🙂 Tako da smo ustali pre 6 i krenuli u osvajanje dvorca pre podne, kako bismo popodne mogli da se opustimo.
- Korak po korak
Do svakog cilja potrebno je ići korak po korak. Ne očekujte da će vam sve ići po planu. Prilagođavajte se. Ljudi oko vas će vam pomoći i stvari će se vrlo lako desiti, samo ako ispred sebe imate jasan cilj. Pogledajte video da čujete kako smo uopšte stigli do dvorca!
Više je u pitanju želja i volja nego šta imaš od opreme. Na ovom putu bilo je ljudi sa fenomenalnim patikama za pešačenje i štapovima, čak ih je bilo nekoliko sa profi rančevima za planirenje. Neki od njih su odustali, dok su drugi u papučama uspeli da se popnu do vrha. Do vrha su se popeli i mnogi krupni (čitaj debeli) ljudi, za koje nikada ne biste rekli da mogu to. Ali oni su uspeli. Radi sa onim što imaš trenutno, jer nikad nećeš biti sigurniji nego sad. Možeš biti spremniji, ali nekad to nije dovoljno, jer želja može da se izgubi na tom putu.
Ah te prepreke 🙂 Svuda ih ima… Zakoče te, sapletu te… Promašiš put… Sto puta ste čuli da samo upornost i istrajnost pobeđuju, pa ne možemo da vas lažemo. Tako je. Mogli smo da odustanemo prvi put kad smo promašili autobus. Ili kad smo videli da ima više od 1000 stepenica do vrha, ali nismo. Ostali smo fokusirani i motivisani i došli smo tamo gde smo krenuli.
Ljudi oko vas će početi da odustaju. Da govore kako je teško 🙂 I nama je bilo teško. Jesmo kukali, ali nismo odustali. Bilo je ljudi koji su odustajali posle prvog nivoa. Ima ih i oko vas, bitno je samo da vi gledate svoja posla. Ako imate cilj i verujete da možete da ga ostvarite ne dozvolite da vas ubede u suprotno.
Podržavajte svog partnera i ubedite ga da je sve moguće 🙂 Čak i kada počnete da sumnjate, folirajte se – nema odustajanja, jer nikad se ne zna kakav pogled (nagrada) vas čeka iza ugla 🙂
- *** Uradi sve glupe stvari koje čine da se osećaš ŽIVO ***

- *** Do every stupid thing that makes you feel alive ***
Every time you make a decision to do something you start to navigate into the unknown. It depends on you whether you will or you will not survive in this strange environment. Life is too short to weigh and think about certain things. Yeah, maybe it is (or just seems like it is) dangerous, but life itself is like that. In real terms at this time something can happen and the ceiling can drop on your head while nothing you can do about it. We hope that this will not happen 🙂
Our trip to Cyprus was more or less organized. We knew almost exactly where we’re going, what we’re doing … But the man himself has to give a little vent and to pass something that is not in the plan and program, to jump out of the machine. And as it always happens, then you learn, you see, you experience the real thing.
Here’s what we learned when we won the castle of Saint Hilarion
- GOAL – define specific goal!
We went to the castle of Saint Hilarion. We did not know how to get there, what we’re going to see, or do, we knew only that we want to go there, because we have heard the legend that Walt Disney here found inspiration for the castle from a fairy tale Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. Inspiration never enough, is not it 🙂
- TIME – when you want to reach the finish line!
We had a free day, and that was it. We wanted to see the walls of this castle, but we also wanted to go to the beach 🙂 So we got up before 6 AM and set off to conquer the castle in the morning, in the afternoon we wanted to relax.
- Step by step
To every goal you need to go step by step. Do not expect that everything will go according to plan. Adjust it. People around you will help you and things will be very easy to happen, if only in front of you have a cristal clear goal. Nobody teleported us to the top, we wanted to go up and we did that. Small steps to victory.
More it comes to the desire and the will, but what you have from the equipment. On this road there were people with superb sneakers for walking and sticks and even there were few with pro backpak for hiking. Some of them gave up, while others that were in slippers managed to climb to the top. Up top, climbed many big, fat people that when you see them on the street would never say they could do that. But they have succeeded. Work with what you have now, because you will never be more secure than now. You can be more prepared, but sometimes that is not enough, because the desire can be lost.
- Perseverance and tenacity
Ahhh these obstacles 🙂 They’re everywhere … blocks and, tripping over you … You miss time, you miss road … A hundred times you hear that only persistence and perseverance win, so we can not lie to you. That’s right. We could give up the first time we missed the bus. Or when we saw that there are more than 1,000 steps to the top, but we did not.
People around you will start to give up. To say that it is hard 🙂 And for us it was hard to. We did have negative toughts, but we never gave up. There were people who gave up after the first level. There are around you, it is important that you mind your own business. More important is the goal you have, do not let that convince you otherwise.
Encourage your partner and convince him that everything is possible 🙂 Even when you begin to suspect, Fake it till you make it, and no giving up is a chance, because you never know what you may find around the corner 🙂