Ćao ljudi. Prekjuče smo ceo dan proveli na plaži, kad smo oko 16h primetili da se čudno smrkava. Sunce je bilo tu, ali nekako nije bilo sunčano. Temperatura je čudno rasla i postalo je neprijatno toplo. Nismo znali o čemu se radi jer smo dobro proverili vremensku prognozu i bili smo sigurni da oluja ne dolazi. Ok, možda ne dolazi oluja koja nosi kišu, ali definitino je došla oluja koja nosi pesak. Peščana oluja je zahvatila Kipar. Niko je nije očekivao jer nije tipična za ovo doba godine. Pretpostavlja se da je jak vetar iz Sirije doneo pesak. Mi se nadamo da neće dugo trajati. Iako deluje interesantno, uopšte nije zdravo 🙂 Ovaj put ne možemo da kažemo – uživajte uz slike – jer izgleda kao da se neko igrao sa sepia efektom. Ipak nije sve tako crno 🙂 Jer kako kažu …
Kad ti Sirija pošalje pesak – napravi palačinke! 🙂
Hey people. The day before yesterday we spent the whole day on the beach when we noticed something strange about 16PM. It was getting darker. The sun was there, but somehow it was not sunny. The temperature started to growing and became uncomfortably hot. We did not know what it is because we are well checked the weather forecast and we were confident that the storms is not coming. Ok, maybe not storm that carries the rain, but definitely the storm came in carrying the sand. Sandstorm has engulfed Cyprus. Nobody expected because it is not typical for this time of year. It is assumed that a strong wind brought sand from Syria. We hope it will not take long. Although it seems interesting is not healthy 🙂 This time we can not say – enjoy the pictures – because it looks like someone was playing with sepia effect. Yet not everything was bad yesterday 🙂 Because as they say …
When Syria send you sand – make pancakes! 🙂